oncology massage & Lymphedema care


Manual lymphatic Drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a rhythmic, light pressure technique that follows the drainage pathways of the body’s lymphatic system: lymph, interstitial fluid and synovial fluid.

The slow, repetitive, rhythmic nature of these techniques also decreases pain perception and the effects in the sympathetic nervous system throughout your body.

MLD is an excellent treatment modality for:

  • reducing swelling and inflammation, edemas

  • stimulating the immune system

  • improving circulation of lymphatic fluid

  • surgery preparation and recovery

  • aiding the body in its own natural detoxification process.

  • headaches, allergies, sinus pain and congestions

  • TMJ pain, dysfunction

  • pregnancy

  • swelling from injuries

  •  Fibromyalgi, Lupus, MS

  • cosmetic surgery recovery and facial treatments



Oncology massage is the modification of massage techniques in order to safely work with effects of cancer and cancer treatment, and includes people in active treatment, those in recovery or survivorship, as well as those at the end of life.

Your therapist has an well-informed understanding of the side effects of cancer treatments, such as medications, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Understanding of these treatments allows your therapist to modify massage techniques in order to adapt for these side effects, as well as for the disease; providing you with an incredible partner in treatment.


Lymphedema is a possible side effect of cancer, and cancer treatments with damage to the lymphatic system. The goal of lymphedema therapy is to reduce swelling, manage your lymphedema, and reduce your risk of it progressing further and leading to additional health problems.

Your certified lymphedema therapist will guide you through the treatment program and show you how to control your lymphedema with self care.



CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.  (a variation of fascial work)

CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to decrease pressure and tension and increase the relaxation of soft tissue pressure. It’s effective for a wide range of applications associated with pain and dysfunction. Using a soft touch, practitioners release the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system. 

By normalizing the environment around the brain and spinal cord and enhancing the body's ability to self-correct when tension and restrictions are released, your practitioner is able to alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions.

Please note: Please note that Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST) is seamlessly integrated into our treatments based on the unique needs of each client. While we do not currently offer traditional stand-alone, whole-body CST sessions, our therapists have extensively studied and practiced an evidence-based approach that has shaped their treatment style. This evolution allows them to incorporate CST as needed, enhancing the therapeutic benefits and ensuring a personalized, client-centric approach to wellness



Please connect with us directly at westpwellness@gmail.com for a consultation prior to booking your first appointment for Lymphedema and Oncology related treatments. Lymphedema and Oncology massage are not bookable online at this time.



We believe that the professional health care approach of therapeutic massage & manual therapies should be an affordable treatment option for everyone; affordable and accessible even in the absence of extended health care benefits and reflect that in our prices.